500字范文 > There lived a young man in a village. He was born in a family. His parents had a lot of fa

There lived a young man in a village. He was born in a family. His parents had a lot of fa

时间:2019-03-13 22:53:54


There lived a young man in a village. He was born in a family. His parents had a lot of fa


There lived a young man in a village. He was born in a family. His parents had a lot of farms and got much money . He was in school for only four years, but he thought he knew all.the villagers called him Mr. Know-All. And he told his servants not to tell him the results(结果) directly (直接地). The servants . were afraid of him and had to listen to him.

One day Mr. Know-All went to his friend who lived in a town. He stayed there for nearly a week. Suddenly one of his servants came and called out, “ , sir!”

“What happened?”

“Your cat has died!”

“What’s there to be surprised at (吃惊)?” said the young man. “Throw it to the river. By the way, of what illness did it die?”

“It much meat of the horse and died.”

“What? Has my horse died, too? And what illness did it die of, then?”

“It pulled(拉) the carried (马车) to the hospital,” said the servant. “ We made it as fast as possible. When we reached the hospital, it was so tired that it couldn’t up any longer and died.”

“Wait a minute,” said Mr Know-All. “What did you go to the hospital for?”

“To your mother there.”

“What’s the matter with my mother?”

“She down stairs and hurt her head. We sent her to the hospital, but it was too late. The doctors operated on(动手术)her at once, they tried their best to save her, but she died!”

Mr Know-All became angry and shouted, “Why didn’t you tell me about it?”

“You never let us tell you the results directly, sir.”

【小题1】A.worker’sB.teacher’sC.farmer’sD.soldier’s【小题2】A.ButB.ThenC.OrD.So【小题3】A.look afterB.hurtC.look forD.visit【小题4】A.Good newsB.Bad newsC.Good morningD.Good afternoon【小题5】A.ateB.sawC.touchedD.cut【小题6】A.runB.walkC.jumpD.fly【小题7】A.sitB.lieC.sleepD.stand【小题8】A.postB.bringC.takeD.put【小题9】A.wentB.livedC.stayedD.fell【小题10】A.earlyB.earlierC.earliestD.the earliestC




【小题1】考查名词所有格及语境的理解。句意:他出生在一个农场主的家庭。worker’s工人的,teacher’s教师的, farmer’s 农场主的,soldier’s士兵的。根据His parents had a lot of farms and got much money .他的父母有许多农场和钱,可知答案选C。

【小题2】考查连词及语境的理解。句意:所以村民们叫他无所不知先生。But但是,Then然后,Or或者,So所以。根据He was in school for only four years, but he thought he knew all他只上四年学,但是他认为他什么都知道,可答案选D 。

【小题3】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:一天无所不知先生去拜访他的一个住在镇上的朋友。look after照顾,hurt伤害,look for寻找,visit拜访。根据He stayed there for nearly a week. 他在那儿住了将近一周,可知答案选D。

【小题4】考查语境。句意:突然他的一个仆人跑来大声喊“先生,坏消息。”Good news好消息,Bad news坏消息, Good morning早上好, Good afternoon下午好。根据Your cat has died!你的猫已经死了!可知是个坏消息,可知答案选 B。

【小题5】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:他吃了很多马肉就死了。 ate 吃, saw看到,touched接触,cut切割。根据meat肉,可知是吃,故选A。


【小题7】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:它累得再也站不住了就死了。sit坐, lie躺, sleep睡,stand站。根据它太累了和死了,可知马站不起来了, 故选 D。

【小题8】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:把你妈妈带那儿去。post 寄,bring带来, take 带走,put放。take从近处带到远处,故选 C。

【小题9】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:她从楼梯掉下来伤到了头。went去,lived住,stayed呆, fell掉。根据语境可知是从楼梯上掉下来,故选D。

【小题10】考查副词及语境的理解。句意:你为什么不早点告诉我?early早,形容词和副词,earlier 更早,earliest最早,the earliest最早的。根据语境可知是为仆人怎么不更早告诉他,故答案选B。
